Urgent Parliamentary Appeal: Reinstate Drug Testing at UK Festivals by 2024

Top-tier MPs unite in a bipartisan call for the recalibration of the UK’s drug legislation – aiming to shift the focus from prosecution to harm reduction, with a stern recommendation to reinstate a festival-centric drug testing service by the 2024 season.

A Shift in Focus

Central to these latest recommendations is an urge to shift from conventional punitive measures towards a more conducive approach that includes proactive onsite drug-checking services at major events, such as music festivals. Spurred by deeply embedded concerns about public safety, the report comes on the heels of a new Home Office report: “From Harm to Hope: A 10-Year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives.”

Key Takeaways

  • A significant push for a national drug testing service, patterned after the Welsh Government’s successful WEDINOS initiative.
  • The introduction of an expanded, dedicated licensing scheme for setting up onsite drug-checking services at major events.
  • The delegation of licencing authority to local jurisdictions furthers the accessibility of such protective services.

The Catalyst

The revived drug policy discussion was initially catalysed by a collective letter to Home Secretary Suella Braverman penned by a diverse group including the likes of Fatboy Slim, Billy Bragg, The Nighttime Industries Association’s CEO Mike Kill, Park Life festival organiser Sasha Lord and 30 cross-party MPs.

The Controversy

The collaborative outcry arose from the Home Office’s decision to prohibit drug testing at this year’s Park Life festival in Manchester. The parking of such an operation has sparked worries about the lack of systematic risk mitigation against drug abuse and the potentially perilous consequences that might follow.

Inconsistencies and Outcry

Despite the pushback, drug testing services were facilitated at Glastonbury, the Reading and Leeds festivals—contradicting the Home Office’s inconsistent stance on drug safety measures at large-scale events.

Highlighting this incongruity, Sasha Lord exclaimed, “This move is a disappointing, senseless U-turn of government policy that puts people at risk…We call for an immediate reversal of this decision so that organisers can continue to prioritise the safety of festivalgoers.”

A Holistic Approach

Parliament’s appeal for a more sensitive, holistic approach to drug policy, aimed at harm reduction rather than outright condemnation, is lucidly encapsulated by Home Affairs Committee chair, Diana Johnson MP. She further advocates for government learning from local initiatives that are making a ‘real difference’ to communities affected by addiction.

Home Office Response

Responding to the Committee report, a Home Office representative, not entirely convinced by the recommended paradigm shift, reaffirmed their continued stance on the zero-tolerance policy against drug abuse.


What BRITISH CANNABIS™ has to say: We join the campaigners for an evolved, harm reduction-based drug policy that aligns with societal readiness to redefine the drug narrative – a stance grounded in safety, awareness, and the broader public interest. The reinstatement of proactive drug testing services at major UK festivals is a pivotal step in this reformative journey.

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*Canabidol.com, AccessCBD.uk and BritishCannabis.org


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