Unravelling the Hidden Tale of Prohibition and the Endocannabinoid Deficiency Epidemic


Envision a time when our nourishment sprung directly from intimately tended family farms, where the wisdom of crop rotation was key to maintaining soil vitality. In a remarkable twist of history, the humble Hemp plant, a once central character in crop rotation, now stands accused of potentially triggering an unanticipated health crisis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hemp was an undervalued player in traditional farming crop rotations.
  • The prohibition era halted hemp cultivation, potentially upsetting our endocannabinoid balance.
  • Dr Ethan Russo suggests endocannabinoid deficiency could be the root cause of several modern-day health issues.
  • Replenishing our systems with plant-based cannabinoids may re-establish lost equilibrium.

The Role of Hemp in History

Going back in time, the much-underestimated Hemp positioned itself as the soil superhero, extracting harmful heavy metals and reinstating harmony into the farmland. It was like a duty-bound soldier, pulled out by its roots after fulfilling its role. Farmers found innovative uses for the harvested Hemp, sparking a ‘Google-worthy’ number of industrial applications.

Slipped into their smoking mix with tobacco as a cancer mitigant, ground into edible form to combat inflammation, or fed to livestock, resulting in trace cannabinoids in dairy and meat products, Hemp quietly slipped into the average American’s diet. The result? A lifestyle and a dietary regimen abundant in non-psychoactive cannabinoids, provide the populace with a natural defense against inflammation and disease.

The Impact of Prohibition

Enter the age of prohibition, and the good citizens duly stopped their hemp cultivation. For a time, the effect was imperceptible, but moving a few generations forward, a stark rise in health disorders such as cancer, epilepsy, and GI disorders like Crohn’s disease became alarmingly apparent.

The Theory of Endocannabinoid Deficiency

Fast forward to the past two decades, and Dr Ethan Russo offered a paradigm-shifting theory: endocannabinoid deficiency. He proposed that cannabinoids were critical nutrients required for our body’s balance, a balance disrupted by the sudden prohibition-imposed halt of hemp cultivation. Today, it’s not uncommon for individuals to supplement their diet with cannabinoid-based products, and in many instances, to watch their health dramatically improve over time.

The Importance of Ethical and Organic Cannabinoids

As we turn to phytocannabinoids to resurrect this balance, however, it’s essential to ensure that they are ethically and organically produced. THC and CBD are just two of the hundreds of cannabinoids present, contributing to our body’s complex biochemical mechanisms.

What BRITISH CANNABIS™ has to say:

The endocannabinoid system, providing a crucial link between our neurological and immune systems, is inherent to all mammals. By reviving this precious link, we might just unlock a cascade of health benefits, bringing us a step closer to optimal bodily function. The underlying message: pay heed to your body’s nutrient need as an unmet need could trigger a domino effect of health issues. As the world begins to embrace integrative and functional medicine, might the real solution lie in the restorative power of a plant we ceased to value the way we once did?

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*Canabidol.com, AccessCBD.uk and BritishCannabis.org


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