can CBD oil cause diarrhea

CBD Oil’s Effects and the Potential Risk of Diarrhea

In the dynamic world of natural health remedies, CBD oil has emerged as a subject of interest for its potential benefits and concerns regarding side effects like diarrhea. This straightforward guide delves into the essence of CBD oil,  addressing key aspects such as its health advantages, the question of can CBD oil cause diarrhea, and its legal status in the UK.

We’ll also touch upon Hemp oil side effects to provide a comprehensive view. CBD oil, a derivative of the cannabis plant, has been spotlighted for its potential in managing various health issues.

Distinct from hemp oil, which is sourced from the plant’s seeds and is valued for its nutritional content, CBD oi is extracted from the cannabis plant’s leaves, flowers, and stalks. It’s rich in cannabidiol (CBD), a compound gaining attention for its possible therapeutic effects on conditions like anxiety, pain, and sleep disorders.

One of the pivotal concerns surrounding CBD oil is its gastrointestinal impact, particularly CBD oil diarrhea. While many users tolerate CBD oil well, some experience side effects, with diarrhea being a notable concern.

This issue is influenced by factors such as individual body response, the dosage of CBD oil used, and the quality of the product. Regarding its legality in the UK, CBD oil is permitted under certain conditions.

It must contain less than 0.2% THC (the compound known for its psychoactive effects) and be extracted from approved strains of industrial hemp. For users in the UK, it’s crucial to purchase CBD oils from reputable sources to ensure compliance with these legal standards.

While CBD oil offers promising health benefits, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects like diarrhea. Understanding its legal context in the UK is equally important for those considering incorporating it into their health routine.

For a deeper dive into this subject, see our earlier post can CBD oil help IBS

Can CBD Oil Cause Diarrhea?

One of the pressing questions for many considering CBD oil UK as a wellness supplement is its impact on the digestive system, particularly, can CBD oil cause diarrhea?

Yes, CBD oil can cause diarrhoea in some individuals. This side effect, while not universal, is linked to the way CBD interacts with the gastrointestinal system and the types of carrier oils used.

However, it’s crucial to note that reactions to CBD oil vary from person to person. For those exploring the frontier of CBD oil usage, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional for tailored advice.

Interaction of CBD Oil with the Digestive System

CBD oil works in tandem with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a pivotal role in regulating various physiological processes, including digestion.

The ECS comprises cannabinoid receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids that work to maintain bodily homeostasis.

When CBD oil is consumed, it influences the ECS, potentially affecting digestive functions.

Factors Contributing to Diarrhea as a Side Effect

Several factors can contribute to diarrhoea when using CBD oil:

  • Dosage:

    Higher doses of CBD oil are more likely to affect gastrointestinal processes, potentially leading to diarrhoea.

  • Individual Sensitivity:

    People’s bodies react differently to CBD oil. Some individuals might experience digestive side effects at lower doses than others.

  • Product Quality:

    Impurities or additives in CBD oil can irritate the digestive system, leading to diarrhoea.

Cannabinoid Receptors in the Digestive Tract

The digestive tract hosts two primary types of cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2.

These receptors, when interacted with by compounds like CBD, can influence gut motility and inflammation.

This interaction can potentially lead to changes in bowel movements, resulting in symptoms like diarrhoea.

Pre-existing Digestive Issues

Individuals with pre-existing digestive issues should approach CBD oil use cautiously.

For those with sensitive digestive systems or conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), CBD oil may exacerbate symptoms.

Consulting a Medical Professional

Given these variables, it’s paramount to consult with a medical professional before incorporating CBD oil into your routine, especially if you have existing health concerns or are on medication.

A healthcare provider can offer guidance on appropriate dosages and help mitigate potential side effects like diarrhoea.

In summary, while CBD oil offers numerous health benefits, its interaction with the digestive system can sometimes lead to side effects such as diarrhoea.

Understanding these interactions, being mindful of individual health circumstances, and seeking professional medical advice are key steps in safely incorporating CBD oil into your health regimen.

can CBD oil cause diarrhea

Managing CBD Oil Side Effects on Digestion

While CBD oil is celebrated for its potential health benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge and manage its side effects, particularly on digestion.

Diarrhoea can be a discomforting consequence for some users.

Here, we explore strategies to mitigate this risk, manage hemp oil side effects on digestion, and suggest alternative methods for alleviating these symptoms.

Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Diarrhea

  1. Start with Low Dosages: Begin with a small amount of CBD oil and gradually increase the dosage.
    This approach allows your body to adapt to the oil without overwhelming your digestive system.
  2. Choose High-Quality Products: Opt for CBD oil products with minimal additives and high purity.
    Lower-quality products may contain irritants that can upset the digestive system.
  3. Monitor Your Body’s Response: Pay close attention to how your body reacts after taking CBD oil. This monitoring can help identify the right balance for your system.

Managing Hemp Oil Side Effects on Digestion

Hemp oil, while generally less potent than CBD oil, can still cause digestive issues for some individuals.

Similar strategies can be applied:

  1. Moderate Consumption: Even though hemp oil is mostly used for its nutritional value, moderate its use if you notice digestive discomfort.
  2. Check for Allergens: Ensure that you are not allergic to any components in hemp oil, as allergies can sometimes manifest as digestive issues.

Alternative Methods to Alleviate Diarrhea Symptoms

If you experience diarrhoea after using CBD or hemp oil, consider the following:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Drinking plenty of water is crucial.
  2. Dietary Adjustments: Incorporating a bland diet with foods like bananas, rice, and toast can help soothe an upset stomach.
  3. Over-the-counter medications: Certain medications can provide quick relief from diarrhoea.
    However, consult with a healthcare professional before combining these with CBD or hemp oil.

When to Consult a doctor

It’s important to consult a doctor if:

  1. Diarrhea persists for several days.
  2. You experience severe symptoms such as dehydration, fever, or intense abdominal pain.
  3. You have pre-existing digestive issues or are on medication that may interact with CBD or hemp oil.

While CBD and hemp oils offer health benefits, their impact on digestion shouldn’t be overlooked. Implementing careful consumption strategies, paying attention to your body’s reactions, and seeking medical advice, when necessary, can help manage and mitigate any adverse effects on your digestive system.

Ensuring the Quality and Purity of CBD Oil

When incorporating CBD oil diarrhoea into your health regimen, the quality and purity of the product are paramount.

This section highlights the commitment of ACCESS CBD to these standards, the importance of third-party testing, and the range of CBD products specifically designed to support digestive health.

The Commitment of ACCESS CBD to Quality and Purity

ACCESS CBD is dedicated to providing high-quality CBD oil, ensuring that each product meets stringent standards. This commitment involves:

  • Sourcing: Selecting high-grade hemp plants known for their robust cannabinoid profiles.
  • Extraction Processes: Utilizing state-of-the-art extraction methods that maintain the integrity of CBD while eliminating unwanted compounds.
  • Ingredient Transparency: Providing clear information about the ingredients in each product, ensuring consumers are fully informed.

Third-party Testing for Potency and Purity

To guarantee the quality and safety of their products, ACCESS CBD employs rigorous third-party testing. This testing includes:

  • Potency Verification: Ensuring that the CBD content matches what is advertised on the label.
  • Purity Checks: Testing for contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents to confirm the oil’s purity.
  • Consistency Assurance: Regular testing to ensure every batch maintains the same high standards.

Range of CBD Products Designed for Digestive Health

Understanding the potential impact of CBD on digestion, ACCESS CBD offers a range of products tailored to support digestive health:

  • Specific Formulations: Products formulated to be gentle on the digestive system, suitable for those who may have experienced digestive side effects from other CBD oils.
  • Varied Concentrations: Offering different CBD concentrations to cater to individual tolerance levels and health needs.
  • Innovative Products: Exploring new product formats that may be more digestible, such as CBD-infused teas or edibles.

The quality and purity of CBD oil are crucial for its effectiveness and safety.

ACCESS CBD’s commitment to these aspects, backed by thorough third-party testing and a specialized product range, ensures that consumers can confidently use their products, especially those with digestive health concerns.


In this article, we’ve delved into the nuanced world of CBD oil, contrasting it with hemp oil and focusing on its potential health benefits and side effects, particularly concerning digestion.

We’ve established that while CBD oil offers several therapeutic benefits, it can also lead to digestive side effects like diarrhoea for some users.

The importance of understanding how CBD oil interacts with the digestive system, the role of cannabinoid receptors in this process, and the need for cautious use among individuals with pre-existing digestive issues were highlighted.

We also touched upon the legal status of CBD oil in the UK, emphasizing that legality hinges on low THC content and compliance with specific regulations.

The discussion on managing side effects provided practical tips for those experiencing digestive discomfort from CBD oil, suggesting starting with low doses and gradually adjusting.

A critical part of this exploration was the emphasis on the quality and purity of CBD oil.

The commitment of companies like ACCESS CBD to ensuring these aspects through third-party testing and specialized product ranges was underscored, illustrating their importance in ensuring consumer safety and product efficacy.

In conclusion, while CBD oil holds promise for various health applications, its impact on digestion warrants careful consideration.

For those interested in exploring the benefits of CBD oil, prioritizing high-quality, thoroughly tested products is crucial.

By choosing reputable brands that emphasize purity and quality, users can maximize the potential benefits of CBD oil while minimizing the risks of side effects, ensuring a safer and more effective experience.


  1. News Editor. (2021, February 3). What are the Side Effects of CBD? Cannabis Health News.
    Retrieved from
  2. ACCESS CBD UK (2023). Buy CBD Oil UK
    Retrieved from
About author

Samuel Turner

Health & Wellness Correspondent for BRITISH CANNABIS™ News

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